Youtubers I’m Currently Addicted To!

As I’m still on my summer break from university I’ve been spending my days like most people I know, with my eyes glued to my laptop screen with my favourite Youtubers of the moment on. While I’ve had time by myself its been nice to just listen to their voices in the background while I do my make up or I’m living vicariously through them as they go outside and vlog their day (Hey! Don’t judge me for having my pyjama day!). But this past couple of weeks I’ve been really enjoying a few Youtubers in particular and have even gone back and re-watched lots of their older videos because I can’t get enough of them. So here are my current favourites! 

First up, the always so lovely Miss Tanya Burr. I have to be honest and say that as of late I hadn’t been watching as many of her videos. Reason being because I grew very tired of always hearing about her range of lip glosses and nail varnishes. I love that she has her own beauty range out there, it shows her dedication and hard work and she really deserves it. But also it felt like every video was her going to some event or was just a vlog in which every other Youtuber said hello in and nothing else happened. In all honesty I just missed her old tutorials, hauls and everyday vlogs with just her or with her fiancee Jim. Anyways, Tanya has started vlogging everyday in September and I feel like these vlogs have been a bit more down to earth and back to her old style which I loved.

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I’ve also been loving a younger Youtuber called MsRosieBea. I believe she is lesser well-known but most definitely worth the hype. She does lots of lovely everyday tutorials and hairstyle videos which I love (not only are they great to watch for inspiration but she also has amazing ginger hair). Rosie is very English Rose Cath Kidston-esque and I love it! Her videos are very to the point but still fun – the girl has Youtube nailed down. In three words: CAN’T. STOP. WATCHING! XEF-js8thyZSwrYvDXJRXPDZbmT88F6PBfKgHszRXIzRhHbP6r5U0fCpVHRG6CtPoeAjUH9SdCWDU34l-41T=w426-h240-n (426×240)

Next is the beautiful Irish Youtuber Melanie Murphy! Her accent is class (a word I can’t stop using now because I’m always hearing Melanie use it and describes everything so perfectly), she’s absolutely gorgeous, has the cutest cats and makes the greatest (and informative) videos on skincare, fitness, healthy foods, tutorials, hauls and vlogs. You name it and Melanie has done it.

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Another classic is of course ViviannaDoesMakeup! I just love Anna’s videos, I’m addicted to her weekly vlogs and look forward to each and every one (currently wishing it was Tuesday already). Her recent series Wardrobe Week had me hooked both on Youtube and in the blogging world. Anna is always providing inspiration and adding to my ever-growing wishlists and need-to-buy lists. Her tutorials for both hair and make up and flawless and always so fascinating how she can make the slightest change and suddenly a subtle everyday look is much more interesting. And lets face it, her Ash boots are famous!

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Hopefully this post will introduce you to some new faces in the beauty/fashion Youtube world and may also even remind you of some older classics! Keep up the amazing videos ladies! 

Thanks for reading, 

Caitlin x x x

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